
By SLPlearning

One of Scotland's Greatest Castles

The history of Bothwell Castle dates back to medieval times and its strategic place on the Clyde means that it has seen many a tough time. It wasn't a great day to get a picture today, as I forgot my wellies, but its a great place to visit so I thought I'd leave you with the words of one of the English greats to tell you a little more of its history.

Immured in Bothwell's Towers, at times the Brave
(So beautiful is the Clyde) forgot to mourn
The liberty they lost at Bannockburn.
Once on those steeps
I roamed at large, and have
In mind the landscape, as if still in sight;
The river glides, the woods before me wave;
But, by occasion tempted, now I crave
Needless renewal of an old delight.
Better to thank a dear and long-past day
For joy its sunny hours were free to give
Than blame the present, that our wish hath crost.
Memory, like Sleep, hath powers which dreams obey,
Dreams, vivid dreams, that are not fugitive;
How little that she cherishes is lost!

William Wordsworth

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