Barn Dancing

Another family gathering with Thom went really well! The Golden Wedding Anniversary of Thom’s Auntie Eileen and Uncle Ken was celebrated in style with a Barn Dance! Although some lovely photographs of people, I decided that this picture was far too cute to miss…the picture within a picture I thought was a quite a nice idea!

So our morning was spent in Warwick, I did some work and Thom got on with his own, then headed to Coventry to get the second bus out to Leicester. As we had some time to kill we ended up getting lunch from one of the food stalls of in the centre of town (for me, a pulled pork sandwich, for Thom a baked potato with cheese and egg mayonnaise which was actually surprisingly nice!) followed by a quick coffee and heading to get the second bus. This time, luckily, we had no problems with any buses and got back to Thom’s house in good time so we could have a cup of tea with Bev and Marco (Thom’s housemates) before being picked up by Thom’s dad.

Anyway, back to the evening, was great to see and catch up with some familiar faces, especially Thom’s close family as well as his cousins and their girlfriends. Us younger lot all very much joined in with the Barn Dancing…I mean, we weren’t very good at it as the older ones had had a lot more practise than us…but I think they were proud of us for giving it a go. A lot of fun, especially at one point when I was laughing so much that I could barely stand let alone dance. I’m so glad I get on with his family, as well as his extended family. They are all so welcoming that I really do feel part of the clan…making all the worries I originally had about getting to know them go away!

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