Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

Sea Stacks & Harakeke

We've had a wonderful overnighter on Tiritirimatangi. Unfortunately that's all the time we've got; two nights would have been better.

The dawn chorus was incredibly beautiful this morning and I'm hoping the recordings I've made are effective. We've seen tuis, saddlebacks, stitch birds, bellbirds, whiteheads, pukekos, parakeets, gannets, brown quail, fernbirds, but no kokako. We'll just have to come back!

I was down near the cliff below the lighthouse this morning, taking a photo of these sea stacks and flax bushes, when I all but fell over a takahe!! So exciting. I did get a reasonable photo plus a recording of his calls but have no way of uploading it at present.

We go back to Auckland this afternoon.

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