
so it's not quite the return i had planned but then i didn't exactly plan one and maybe this isn't it...........i really don't know.
i had thought once i had paid my membership fee i would be motivated into daily blipping again but alas this is not the case................unfortunately the changes in my life that led me to doing a bit of a vanishing act are still hanging round my neck, like a great big stone weight........actually it's more like a daily kick in the bollocks to remind me that there really is no end in sight. still these are my problems and should in no way interfere with your lives................i may shed more light on this but for the moment i'll leave it aside.
i would like to say sorry to all those blippers that i kinda just left hanging.....i have appreciated you all leaving the odd comment and for those of you that have made comment on "that other site that some of us use", i thank you........it's nice to know i was missed (well by some of you anyway.)
i have missed that daily banter with a lot of you and that strange sense of belonging to such a good tight knit community............which is weird really as i only know a lot, well most of you through here, the odd few of you that i have actually met in the real world.........well i can only apologise......i did give you ample opportunity to run on those blip meets but yet you came back for more.
i am hoping to get back to my blipping ways (complete with all the usual cynicism, sarcasm and general ranting), and hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.............

just to get the ball rolling let me start with this.............as i was walking into work last week a rubbish truck stopped by the side of the road and one of the bin crew jumped out and started his walk home.............nothing sinister or unsual so far.................i noticed that he was carrying two small bottles of coke both filled with what i am hoping was just water.....so this bin man was walking ahead of me when all of a sudden he just casually throws one of them into the street, just tossed it into the road without a care in the world............now maybe it's just me but given the mans job i could be forgiven for thinking that he may have a slight problem with people who chuck rubbish into the street.........but apparently not. why do it? he actually walked past two completely separate buckets before his sudden decision to litter...........
now i know that given my past rants that this is one lame and feeble effort but hey, i gotta start somewhere..........

anyway before i go i might as well say that this shot was taken just outside the Spectrum Centre in Guilford today. baby Mcd (who is doing well for anyone who is interested) had a great time there today. her swimming came along good style while in cyprus last month and i wanted to keep that momentum going although she did insist that daddy go on the diving boards today and make as big an arse of himself as possible...........mission accomplished there by the way!
so as i said back at the start of this ramble i do hope to be back posting daily and spouting off for anyone who wishes to listen, or read in your case............we'll just see how things progress..i hate to sound like some sad self help book but it really is just one day at a time just now.

so until i am back into the swing of things again, take it easy blippers.............i hope to catch up with the old faithful again soon and i am looking forward to meeting some of the many new faces to the strange and unusual world of blip...............

later folks.....................

p.s. i have started to upload a lot of back blips.........just because i wasn't here doesn't mean i haven't been taking pics. if you are interested start here and just work your way forward.............i'll fill in the rest of the gaps later...............

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