
Probably warming his wings in the morning sun. His wings are lovely enough to make up for the ugliness of his face. Perhaps he knows it....

Busy day today...we went to look for tile for our last remodel...the bathroom that gives us nightmares.

I promised to bake a cake for a neighbor's pot luck tonight and only discovered that the oven is broken when I went to put it in the oven and the oven was still cold. Rushed it over to Dana's just as Rick and Meg (my brother and his wife) arrived at the front door. Now I have five minutes before I have to go back and get it.

The tile situation is exciting but complicated. We'll have to go back and talk at length with the decorator, or take ours with us....

OilMan ran (figuratively, not literally) into David who was on his skateboard "running the dog". He arrived at our door 10 minutes later to look at the oven. He said the dog didn't feel like running. He's here now with the oven all over the kitchen.  

Time to go get the cake, frost it, stuff some peppers and get to the pot luck. Hope the deep breathing works....

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