
By sleepyduck

Back to work...

... which means back to photographs like this.

I was only off for a week, but it felt like much more. I didn't realise how relaxed I had become until last night, when the stress began to build. Oh well. Only 4 days till the weekend.

Speaking of holidays, I'm plotting the next one and would appreciate any help or advice that may be forthcoming from fellow blippers. I'm thinking of taking Imp to Berlin for our anniversary in early November. Please don't tell her - I'd like it to be a surprise. Anyway, neither of us has been there before nor, it would seem, have any of my work colleagues. I've bought the Time Out guide and will be perusing that and the internet over the next few days, but if any of you have any suggestions about places to go, things to do and things to avoid, they will be gratefully received. Specifically:

- places to stay (4* - unfortunately I don't do cheap and cheerful when it comes to accommodation), must be central and not too extortionate. Oh, and must have internet connectivity :-)

- places to eat: I do do cheap and cheerful when it comes to food, so as long as it's not too fancy but tasty and won't kill us, I'll be happy

- places to visit: art and culture

Thanks in advance! Now to fix myself some food, wind down and take a look at that guidebook :-)

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