Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Meet my blipme

My children have said that if you want to know what dad thinks read his blip. I know what they mean. I'm one of those people that is not very good at expressing their feelings. Men they are called :-)

There is something cathartic about blip as it allows us not to be someone else but perhaps to be truly ourselves. For me, I think the things it allows me to express are:

My feelings - as already pointed out by my children
My sense of humour - which is always part of who I am anyway
My creativity - which is probably what I appreciate most given that my work is based very much on fact, logic, process, formality etc.

If I have one frustration, its the fact that it can all be a bit anonymous. There are a number of people with whom I regularly exchange banter and we don't even know or use each others names. So, my name is Terry but I'm Bob to my friends and I'm happy for you to address me as Bob when you comment on any of my blips.

Oh, one more thing I discovered about myself whilst taking the photos for this blip - I could never be an actor. I wanted a slightly bemused/frightened look on the blipme face. Clearly my face didn't have a clue how to create such a look.

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