Low threshold

Tonight I have a low patience threshold. Dogs barking - not okay. People asking me to do anything - not okay. Things not doing what they're supposed to do - not okay.

Obviously, if someone really did need me to do something, I'd do it.

If the dogs bark - I'll put up with it.

If things don't do what they're not supposed to do - I'll survive.

Just feeling a little short of energy and patience tonight. No particular reason other than the nor' wester (which makes one of my colleagues 'want to kill someone' apparently!). I guess I'm lucky (as are those around me) that it just makes me a little grumpy!

Anyway, this little jumping spider - who is incredibly cute and who waved its front legs at me in warning - caught my eye. It is probably about 6 or 7 mm in length at most and just not scary, despite its attempts to terrify me. The big, hairy spider in the web below (which I nearly bopped whilst taking this photograph) was another matter.

Thank you so much for your kind comments about yesterday's photograph. I was really chuffed.


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