Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Not Completely Full

It looks like a full moon, but not till tomorrow night is what we are being told. So, if all goes well, we'll see it tomorrow evening from California's Central Coast.

We're planning to leave here at oh-dark-thirty tomorrow morning, so we will very soon now be heading to bed. Getting up in the middle of the night doesn't thrill me, but Mr. Fun is the morning person and he will be doing the driving.

We had been planning to leave early afternoon today, but then with all that has gone wrong this week with Mr. Fun's mom and today she had a 3:00 p.m. doctor's appointment and Mr. Fun wanted to accompany her to that meeting with the doctor, we just could not make our exit. Her physician did tell her it's time for her to no longer be living alone and she basically told the doctor he could take his ideas and shove them. She missed the moment when the doctor told her that he'll be asking the DMV to remove her right to drive. According to Mr. Fun the entire appointment in the doctor's office was all fairly unpleasant.

His mom knows that we're going out-of-town and that we cannot run back here to help if she has another emergency episode. We'll be a 4-hour drive away. She has pretty much determined that "cooperation" is not going to be her mode of behavior. So the next few days, weeks, months, and however long, might present some challenging moments for Mr. Fun (& me) and for his mom.

There is no Internet where we'll be staying this weekend, but I currently have no decent camera, so I might just use my old, old iPhone to do my blipping from the coast this coming weekend. I'm hoping that one month from today, for my birthday, to get myself a new iPhone. I can hardly believe that birthday countdown has started.

I am so looking forward to this little weekend get-a-way.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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