
By ChezRobz

A little viking walked down the street...

...and stopped to sniff every flower in reach.

This hat was lovingly made for the boy by Nanny last year, and this year she has undone the tight row and made another finishing row so it fits again - hooray!

Work day for me today which usually means packing Noah off to my mother's for 9am. Today however, she is so very poorly :( refused to not take the baby for at least a few hours but I kept him with me until she had come home from the doctors and then off they went to pick up her prescription and get some fresh air. Was nice to have the morning together, we built a huge tower, put blocks in and out of the potty, spent some time in the circus tent and then he brushed my hair for me - aaaaw.

I got some admin done, did a photoshoot for a little baby and then instead of returning home to finish my work I dragged the boy out for a walk. This photo was taken as we walked from her house to mine to pick up the pram, He insisted on stopping at each garden, pointing at the flowers and inhaling through his nose noisily. He's so cool :)

Keep telling my mother she needs to start selling these hats, everyone needs a teeny viking in their lives.

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