The second half of life..

By twigs

Saying goodbye........

It is without any sadness whatsoever that I bid the sun farewell this evening. When it returns tomorrow, as surely it will, it will officially bring with it SPRING!


I feel it's been a particulalry unpleasant winter so I am in no way sad to see the back end of it. It's been colder, frostier and wetter than usual, I've had more sickness, ailments and misery than any other winter, my favourite campground/escape from the world closed and I've felt 'detached' for much of the time.

Time for spring to bring renewed life, vigour, freshness, goals and challenges.

Goodbye winter '09 - bring on the spring!!

PS I noticed a red 'flare' in this shot though I have no idea what it is nor why it's appeared. It looks like it's emanating from the suns rays..........maybe teh sun's own celebration of the season change???

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