
By mollymay49


I picked up the boys today from school, Koen & Jacob, they played in the school play area for a while with their mates, the weather was quite toasty today it was nice to hang around a while instead of rushing to the car because it was either raining or too cold to hang around, I love Spring, we called into the botanical mini golf for ice cream on the way home, both were two toasty boys after all the climbing.
Glyn phoned he was going to be later home from work tonight, but we could go to the local pub for a drink then onto the Indi Brewery at the Marina for pizza, so don't cook! No need to say that twice!
There was quite a toasty looking sunset tonight too while we were there, it didn't last long, blipped it then it was gone!
After we had eaten and drank enough, we were on our way back to the car park via "The Boat" the name of our local pub, and there was the toastiest looking blip I had seen all day standing near the door.
Glyn was more than eager to toast his hands on "The Fire Stick" as this flame was called, quite a toasty day really.
Cheers, "lechyd da"

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