Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Holding on

It must still be summer!

I am not sure that lying in the mud in my neighbour's garden to get the shot was such a good idea, but hey ho.

Today I am multi-tasking like crazy, so much to do, so little time...

Lizzie news - yesterday she refused to catch an enormous spider, which was a problem as my vaccum cleaner is kaputt and I won't go near the wriggly horrible things. Useless! And she was mooching around the dinner table at my father-in-law's because were having roast pork (which smelt delicious). To ward her off I gave her a sprout, but she loved it and wolfed it down. The after effects are still being felt - how can one small sprout cause so much wind?

Enough about dog farts, back to the multi-tasking.

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