
By antipodean


I wish I had a better photo to represent today but I didn't want to take my camera tonight in case I lost it or it got damaged, so sadly I don't.

I woke up this morning after a night of tossing and turning and stressing and decided to go back to sleep instead of struggling out to my early class. It turned out to be a good decision - I made it out to uni around mid-morning and holed up in the library to finish my essay. And finish it I did! Finally, Durkheim is out of my life.

I had lunch with Julia and we ended up going over to the sports centre to watch Yas, Wazzy and Tiff do the beep test for some unknown reason. I've never actually been to the sports centre at Monash, but I guess there's no time like the last few weeks of my degree!

I met Charlie after my last class and drove the two of us back to mine before going to MUGS Ball. It was a retro theme and there were some really great outfits going on. It was actually a really great night, even though none of us except Phoebe knew anyone - the music was really random but we danced anyway, and the staff catered to my crazy diet so I got to eat without worrying too much about feeling sick. I had a lot of fun, and I'm really glad Phoebe organised tickets for us.

Our Bird of Paradise flower is getting more and more exuberant. It's got a lot more of those orange stick up things (I clearly know a lot about gardening) and generally just looks very impressive.

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