Yesterday I broke a large mirror, tradition telling me I had 7 years of bad luck coming my way.... however
I took Reggie out for a walk without a coat, taking the risk that it wouldn't rain till I got back, and after 90 minutes out with out a drop of rain the heavens opened as I put the key in the front door on my return. How lucky was that!
I for some reason checked the ingredients of some linseed with raspberry and blueberry before sprinkling on my porridge only to discover that it had more banana in it than soft fruits, and as someone with a severe allergy to banana how lucky was it that I read it first!
I spent the afternoon at Bradford Royal Infirmary with Miss H , and the clinic was running ( almost) on time , and there were no moaning minnies in the waiting room. How lucky was that!
The only photo I took makes it look a much better day than it was, and is blippable. So all in all I've had a lucky day..... having seen Midgehole Dave's blip today I think I might go to Todmorden for a top up of good luck, but till then I'll just assume that 7 years bad luck after breaking a mirror is just an old wives tale!
Go large and you will see Reggie walking ahead of me, under the packhorse bridge.
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