Club night

First night for me back at the camera club although it started last week I was on a work thing in Glasgow. Hand in for the Main Cup so we have put in 4 digital images to be judged by an external judge. Tonight we had a fun little exercise where we had to bring in photos of 8 different subject matter which were placed in envelopes and then each team of 4 took 1 then had to pick their favourite and stick it on the wall. I enjoyed it and we have a few new members so this is a way of them integrating with existing ones .

It's my birthday today and got this present from my husband this morning:-). The main present is this weekend though and looking forward to it..... It's not a surprise - it's something I have done before and loved it so much so he is hopefully going to enjoy it too......... I always dread opening surprise presents in case I don't like them I am such a fussy cow - not the first time something has to be taken back and changed.

Anyway, it's been a lovely birthday and I'm bushed and off to bed!

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