family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

Day 8. What A Day!?!

Today is mine and marks 2nd wedding anniversary, two years ago today we had our fairy tale wedding and I couldn't think of any better ways of celebrating it than in paradise with my world!

We spent the first part of the day up at another beach on the resort and at another pool, so on the carts we went. The main reason for going here today was to see the resort dolphins. They do displays/shows throughout the day that you can go along to and watch and it didn't disappoint. The beach was again beautiful, postcard views. I even got a bit of sunbathing time in while caleb napped (he doesn't sleep all the time :) ) and daddy and Erin went exploring. But gone are the days of sitting baking in the sun I couldn't hack the heat so snook back into the shade after about 15 minutes (whimp)

When Erin and daddy got back it was show time so we popped along, caleb was still zonked but Erin loved it. She thought it was so funny when the dolphins sang along with happy birthday. They danced along to well none songs and did some great jumps, it entertained Erin.

We went round the pool for a couple hours. Erin perfected her rocket (daddy holds her high in the air by her legs and then throws her up) caleb got a new ball and we all ate lots more food.

We headed back to the near our room and Erin took on the challenge of all 9 slides until we had to go and get ready for tonight. She did it in around 5-10 minutes it was epic! Caleb gave it his attempt as well :)

Got back to the room and mark had a big bouquet of flowers sent to the room and the maids had made two beautiful swans in the bed. He also gave me a new charm for my bracelet, a Swarovski chilli to remind us of our lush holiday.

We went to the Japanese restaurant for food tonight, mark had booked it in advance well so we thought. When we got there they had no details of us and when they rang reception it had been booked for tomorrow! They managed to find us a table (thee was loads in there) and then the night from hell began. Caleb was in the worst mood ever. He was hungry but then didn't want food, then wanted boob, but I wasn't dressed for it, then just screamed the place down. I eventually took him away and fed him, but he still wasn't happy so in his pushchair he went. After the second course I took him for a walk got outside the restaurant and off he went to sleep. Phew. Then was Erin's turn, so far tonight she had been very good until pudding, I didn't cut it correctly and she had the tantrum if all tantrums to the point where me and mark couldn't stop laughing. She eventually laughed with us. That had to be the anniversary night that will go down in history books!!

We went to the theatre to just catch the ending of the kids club Erin jumped on stage for the final song and got her sweets.

Then we got comfy to watch the circus show, caleb had now woke up and in a better mood. They both loved the show and were mesmerised!

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