One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

My train of thought

To: (a No Reply address as I found out straight after sending this, a one way system to send their copy & paste drivel and close a case...)

Good afternoon Nicole,

Thank you for acknowledging my complaint and for pasting the standard reply in your response.
However, I do not feel that my concerns regarding health and safety have been addressed.

Does all communication with the Operating Managers have to be routed through yourself in Customer Care or are you in a position to provide their contact details?

I have a few specific queries that I would like to see answered:

1- Are there published guidelines on the safe number of passengers that can be accommodated in each type of carriage (I think that you operate three different types)?
2- What are the means for the driver to determine if maximum capacity has been reached?
3- What is the time frame for the monitoring of the (not so) recent alterations mentioned in your email?
4- Has a comprehensive cost reduction plan been published by Iarnrod Eireann and is it available to the public?

If I look at the Irish Rail 2011 and 2012 annual reports, I notice that the Payroll and Related Costs have decreased from EUR223,486,000 to EUR218,587,000. Iarnród Éireann is doing some effort to reduce its wages bill and should be commended for it but a decrease of just 2.3% means that the bulk of the savings are identified elsewhere, at the expense of the customer.

I need to stress that cost savings that have a direct effect on the safety of the passengers are not acceptable, and in direct contradiction with your own mission statement.

From the 2012 Iarnród Éireann Annual Report:

Our customers will value us for providing safe, reliable,
consistent and competitive customer focussed services
which are easy to buy, easy to use and which offer a quality
and value for money experience that is the preferred
option for the travelling public.

Beliefs & Values:
Safety and caring for our people, our customers and
our environment.
Working together for our customers.
Accountable for our actions.
Ambitious and cost effective in everything we do.
Acting with respect, integrity and pride.

I look forward to a reply to points 1 to 4 above.

Thank you and regards,

Raheny Cornea

If anyone is in possession of actual email addresses within the Iarnrod Eireann fortress, I'm interested!
I'm not angry but I am determined and methodical and I don't let go.

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