Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

The key to exploration

Look out Mum and Dad. The wee man had discovered a new skill. A skill we've been anticipating yet dreading all at the same time. He's discovered how to open the kitchen cupboards.

The wee lad has been smashing today though. Over two sittings he must have eaten almost twenty blueberries. Not only did he pick them up with his fingers, he actually picked them straight out of the punnet itself. He didn't throw the punnet or put it in his head. Good lad.

I've been meaning to write about the wee man's sleeping patterns for a while now. Every day is different but, as he approaches the 10 month mark, he tends to become sleepy after about four hours. He's usually most playful early in the morning, most awake in the afternoon, and then tires quickest just before bed.

As I said, every day is unique but he usually naps once around 10am and then again at 3pm, with each nap lasting anywhere from 30-120 minutes. The only exception to this is when he travels in a car. It's rare that he can last more than 10 minutes in a car without passing out but once he reaches that magic two hour mark, he's wide awake and ready for action.

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