Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today's lesson

Today's lesson:

'You are fully
capable of
achieving anything'.

That concludes
today's lesson.

Found on Pinterest.

After my two meetings today I walked home. Nice weather (=no rain) and good to empty my head of some things, while thinking and planning other. The planning I've forgotten now, but I know it was good. ;) My feet were taped, so no blisters at all and I walked all the way without taking a break, which was really nice!
My first meeting was about the photo workshop I'm going to have at work. Thankfully I now have two others involved and don't have to do everything myself. It'll be 4 occasions, or maybe 5, depending on how the first 'lesson' goes. If I manage to tell everything I've planned to or not. This is something I've never done before, so it'll be a bit nerve-racking but hopefully fun!
At the second meeting there were volunteers that wanted to attend the workshop, so there's some interest anyway. :)

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