Life in Aaaaarghlaaaand!

By coolkem

Hip hip hurray!

I have officially moved into my late thirties. I'm not sure where the last decade went but i feel a bit like Bridget Jones. In my head i'm a sophisticated, witty and desirable girl poised for greatness. Alas the reality is a bit comic but like Bridget, i trust all will workout and will get wiser and luckier with age.

Talk of bucket lists on the radio today. I have mixed feelings about those but a general list of how i'd like to feel before i'm fourty and how i'm gonna get there may not be amiss...

Spent the day at a lovely spa having the knots ironed out of my back. Then lunch and a lovely dessert. I'd scoffed down 2 giant spoons before i remembered to take a picture but here it is. The smoothest chocolate mousse i'd ever tasted. Dinner later with dear hubby. All in all, It's great to be alive!

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