Hound Tor
Back Blip - I'm now in a pub with wi-fi
I started my journey south to Cornwall early with the idea to spend sometime on Dartmoor looking aorund the Tors as it is part of the world that I've not really explored yet. Unfortunately when I got to Haytor Vale the rain that I had driven through earlier caught up with me, and it was pretty miserable and windy, and visibility soon decreased pretty rapidly, and it was nearly impossible to take a picture without the lens getting covered in rain drops.
I moved on to Hound Tor, the inspiration for Hound of the Baskervilles, and managed to leave the rain behind for a short time, so I was able to get a good look around the Tors. They were an amazing place and everywhere you looked the view altered. Sadly the rain and mist soon caught me as can be seen in this blip, so it was time to move on into Cornwall.
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