
By NellyO


No photos for the last 2 days, I have been off sick with an awful cold which absolutely knocked me sideways so the last thing on my mind was snapping! Today I am still off, but for the first time since Sunday evening felt human enough to do something other than languish! So here is what I did today with (quite a lot of) the elderberries from Sunday's photo: elderberry and apple chutney. I basically followed this recipe, but added proportionally a bit more apple, used cider vinegar instead of red wine vinegar (as that was what we had in) and raisins instead of sultanas (ditto). Even though I used cider vinegar instead of red wine vinegar, it smells remarkably like mulled red wine (I'm not complaining - not least because I'm delighted I can smell anything at all!). I'm currently sterilising the jars, and then I'll start the 3 month wait till we can start eating it.

Blipper Vectensian suggested on my last photo that it would make a particularly difficult jigsaw puzzle. I think this one could be the next part of the series - fiendish puzzles for your worst enemy!

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