
By SomethingAwful


But only for a minute, en route.

Today, London is full of people standing helplessly in shop entrances, staring outside as if they'd never seen rain until now.

I love London in the rain. Especially on a day as heavy and gray as today. I love the strange, murky light behind the clouds in the afternoon that makes the horizon glow. I love crowds of people with umbrellas. It's charming, and sort of funny. I love the drenched black pavements at night when they reflect the street lights. I also am wet and I also hate it. See above.

Today was way existential, as Cher Horowitz would put it. On the tube I saw the word 'London' in a headline next to a picture of Russell Brand. I think he said London needs a better mayor, or something. And for a moment, it seemed that every single association I've ever made with the word 'London' popped into my head at once, and then disappeared. Even its similarity to my name (obscure), and how that made me feel in a split second.

Also, I was thinking about how I've had my bed for a while, and calculated that it's probably been since 1998. I did the maths, and came to the conclusion that it was fifteen years old. And then I thought, 'no, I must have gotten something wrong, because that makes it very nearly as old as me, and I didn't get it at birth!'. But then I stopped and realised that I'm actually closer to 25 than 15, and that difference of 10 years (remember, I was also thinking how close 15 years is to 20, in terms of bed ownership) took on a whole new meaning. And then suddenly it went away, and I felt that 15 years was exactly how long I'd had it and it didn't feel strange at all to acknowledge it. Anyway. I think I panicked because usually when you hear people say that they've had something for fifteen years they're adults (you know, proper ones), who have had it for fifteen years of their adult lives, and marvel at how quickly those years go by. But it's OK, because I got it as a child.

Today is a day for ranting, clearly.

Going to see another house with Francesca tonight. Good luck to her with me in this mood!

I had to add this in - I am about two hours after uploading, and the sky is the clearest blue. Never fails to amaze!

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