The story so far...


Words do not do it justice

Today was a tough day. On paper it should have been lovely with a trip in to town to visit mummy's old baby group and then myles and his mummy and Yani and his mummy came over to visit.
However no one banked on cam teething and to an extent mummy has never seen before. He wouldn't eat, couldn't sleep and was maxed out on drugs but still spent the day screaming. Whilst his friends played with his toys, cam laid in the corner and screamed continues whilst writhing on the floor in pain. He wouldn't let mummy comfort him and it was horrible to watch.
He finally calmed down enough near bedtime when nanny turned up, allowing mummy to get some cottage pie in him and fluids. We think he is getting all four canines at the same time but so far it is impossible to tell and heartbreaking to see :-(

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