
By HaxSyn

By the river

Headed over to Stockbridge Market with the intention of picking up a venison steak (or two) but unfortunately they didn't have any venison (at all). The guy on the stall did say that hopefully now the harvest was finished they should be able to get more, I guess all those farmers driving around the countryside have been scaring off the deer. The deer is from Northumberland so it's mostly farmland as opposed to the Scottish highlands. Anyway no venison, but I did get a couple pies from the "Wee Pie Company" with venison in them (they're from Perthshire, maybe there's more deer around there). I was also looking for some vegetables to make soup but I didn't get any that I was after! I did pick up a couple bottles of Eden Beers.

After the market I headed to the Stockbridge Tap for a couple pints and took this snap on the way.

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