
By Onomatopees


#21. Maurice Ravel - Le Boléro.

The view on Paris from Montmartre. I used to live 10 mintutes away from there but I think I only went there a couple of times, very early in the morning - or very late in the night, depends of the context haha. It's always packed, no matters the time of the day, no matters the season, but each single time there is a football player showing off with his ball on some trendy music to impress the tourists - and get some money ! And each time the view puzzles you, you feel so small and the city seems so big and so small at the same time, as if you could reach the other edge of the city if you only jumped.

And Le Boléro kind of conveys the same contradictions, it begins with nothing and ends up with a whole orchestra. Same notion of emptiness and fullness gathered in a single work of art. Because yes, from this view, Paris is also a work of art - seriously look at that.

I remember this day very well. I took Louise and Thor to the 18th arrondissement, we began with Montmartre and walked down rue Lamark where i used to live. Paris can be so difficult to seize, but this area is my second home now. We randomly ended up in a small café where we got a madeleine for free (!) after having managed to guess 13 cities ending with an -o (challenge of the daaay), and then we met up with the girls at Quai de la Gare to see Motorama in live. Oh yeah.

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