
By 6monty

Products of procrastination

"Day off" today- read that as housework and laundry day.

There is a lot of washing in this house: 6 people, 6 uniform wearers, multiple sport kits (rugby, football, table tennis, badminton, karate, swimming, cycling, running.....) bedding, towels, oh and just "clothes"!

One of them moaned he had no clean boxers this morning!!!!

I do about two loads of washing a day (more some days- 4 today!) if there are are no clean boxers it is not my fault
- try looking in the pile of dirty clothes in your bedroom?
-Try putting the pile of dirty clothes in your bedroom into the washing basket more regularly
- try doing your OWN washing!

Anyway, amidst all the washing I did sit down and fiddle with a crochet hook!

Me time!

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