Sinbad the sailor

A little bit blasted after a nerve-jangling ride on this machine today on Lake Geneva. Touching 30 kts while bumping along in a state of what I'd call controlled instability is quite an experience and I wasn't sorry to jump off in to a bone-shaking but more trustworthy rib, allowing this blip as we tried to keep up. The yacht holds the Lake Geneva record for fastest end-to-end sail on a multi-hull.

The yacht is crewed by young French and Swiss sailors who, unusually, are also responsible for its design and development. They called the youngest one Sinbad - I liked that. It's poured down all afternoon so not much to inspire in downtown Geneva. Monochrome weather but a day for shaking off the cobwebs. Yes, it has crashed before now, but they only mentioned that when I was back on dry land!

Whenever I see the fountain on lake Geneva it always reminds me of this. Jog any memories?

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