Look how cute you are
This little car made me smile today. I have felt happiness many times the past few weeks thanks to funny animals, hilarious things and cute children. And many times after seeing a laughing baby or a philosophical little child telling her mom how to pay the groceries I have been thinking of happiness, stress and the attitudes in life. With attitudes I mean the way you react and respond to all that is happening around you: Do you get angry and smash a window when your car is stolen? Do you think it is the teachers fault when you get a B? Do you get depressed and sad when the first leaves fall down after the summer? Do you feel that you have failed when you see on FaceBook that your friend has got engaged?
Why not just move on and try to see the positive side in things? I have been trough two very very very ugly brake ups and nearly taken my life, but still (after the mourning time) I have realized how enormously I have grown thanks to these ugly events. When you just try a little you can see the positive side in everything, and I repeat and underscore, in everything. It is hard but you learn to do it automatically quite fast.
Here is an article I read about stressing and worrying too much. Those who don't understand Finnish I can translate the mane titles.
1. Book a "worrying time" to yourself - give yourself time 30 minutes per day to go trough the nasty and stressing things in your day. After that you are not allowed to think about them. The rest of the day think about only nice things.
2. Get rid of your internet addiction - People get stresses and anxious when they don't get the chance to check their FB profile or email for every ten minutes. It also true that people tend to get more aggressive and depressed using social media because they compare themselves to others and feel worthless.
3. Try to be present in this moment - being present and thinking only about the things happening now is very healthy. You loose the stress of the future and concentrate more on present time, and the people around you.
4. Accept that life brings you worries - when you accept that occasionally life gives you lemons and you feel bad at those moments, you can proceed. If you are afraid of those lemons and spend your days being afraid that something bad will happen, you loose a lot. And these people often also hide their bad feelings and smile though they are feeling depressed; this is also a very dangerous way to live.
5. Write down your worries - it helps to write down the things that are bothering you: you can now stop equivocating them in your head, and instead watch them and return to them when you have your "worrying time".
6. Allow youself to slack of and let loose - if you try to eat healthy and exercise you also have to let yourself be lazy and eat a pizza every now and then. You can also stress too much about living a stressless and healthy life.
7. Keep youself busy - try knitting, woodwork or tricky card magic tricks: when you keep your hands full, you have less time to worry!
8. Find youself time to meditate - meditation is a very healthy way to ease your brains from its hard work. (I have actually tried it and I found it very relaxing). Meditation sound weird and hard, but everybody has their own way to do it.
9. Exercise! - movement and exercise is the best medicine to a healthy body and mind! It is always hard to start but soon you will realize that you are addicted to it!
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