
By HeartFreek

I HATE Dentists

Anyone that knows me well, knows I HATE DENTISTS.

But, I needed to have my new crown fitted over a cracked tooth today, my 3rd appointment in 6 weeks. I was hoping it would have been my last. But no!

So, as soon as I woke up, I had to take a Diazepam to make me drowsy again and off we popped Mr W come to hold my hand - bless him - oh and drive me as Im dopey! . Sadly, the new crown was too proud so the porcelain had to be filed down, which exposed more metal work that I would have liked. So more impressions and another appointment in 2 weeks is required. For gods sake!

After the dentist, we popped out for coffee which was interesting as I had to drink it through a straw. Got some funny looks, dribbled a bit and bit my cheek on the croissant, but home now and its all starting to come too!!!

Quick self blip or selfie as Daughter Number 2 calls it of how it looks when I try to drink. I do look feel an idiot!

Making a pie now, as I have a very special visitor tomorrow!!! Cant wait!


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