Boxed Away

Just boxed up my long-serving turntable. Yes - I still have a turntable, although it doesn't get much use these days.

I bought this when I had just started 2nd year at Uni. I blew pretty much my entire first-term's grant (remember those?!) on hi-fi and then went to the bank to beg for some money. There was a bank branch inside the student union building and the branch manager, who didn't look much older than me, listened to my sob-story of financial hardship with some amusement before asking how I'd managed to spend it all so quickly...
Bank Manager: So what did you spend it on?
Me: (pausing slightly) Er.. Hi Fi.
Bank Manager: Seems reasonable. You going to pass your exams this year?
Me: Yes, no problem.
Bank Manager: Great. How much do you need to get through the term?

I never did get his name, but on the off-chance that he's reading this, thanks mate. That hifi brought me more enjoyment and pleasure than most of the other crap I could have spent the money on, and I never, ever regretted buying it.

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