A time for everything

By turnx3

Apples against the blue sky

Just a quick blip this morning out of one of the bedroom windows of our neighbor's apple tree - thought it made quite a nice seasonal blip. Unfortunately the blue sky didn't last too long - soon replaced by grey skies. Until now I've been doing most of my grocery shopping at the couple of local supermarkets, but since I had a pretty big shop to do today, with family arriving this evening, I decided to head over to Carrefour this morning - on the other side of Fontainebleau. It's a huge store, that I'm not too familiar with yet, and my shop took me longer than I'd anticipated! It's not just figuring out where things are in the store, but also what some products look like, as some things are packaged so differently over here than in the States - for example Quaker oats in the States are sold in a big cardboard drum shape, here it's sold in a regular cereal packet size and shape! Of course it didn't help that I bumped into someone I knew and we stood and chatted for a few minutes! The odds of that seemed pretty slim - I don't know a great number of people yet, and then to run into them in a huge crowded store like Carrefour seemed pretty unlikely! Anyway I eventually got it done and headed back home, but it did set me a bit behind schedule for the rest of the day! Roger's parents and sister arrived around 6pm, with Roger arriving home from work soon after. It's been a number of years now since his parents have felt able to visit us in the States, so we're so pleased they've felt able to visit us here in France, and thankful to Roger's sister for bringing them.

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