Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Monty went disco tonight but despite the light show didn't like the music. Actually he just couldn't be arsed to get the paw on the floor and shake his tail like a whale.

Mind you in the last two days he is the only one of the three cats not to have climbed all over my papers when I was studying so his idleness is fine by me.

Had an excellent webinar this morning, double session in fact, first half on what makes for a successful Board and the other half on exam technique.

Went in to work to meet some silly deadlines, one on writing up an equality action plan and the other on getting our constitution amended. I can write pretty damn fast when I want to but it was still nearly seven before I left which made for a twelve hour day. Came home to a lovely supper cooked by TSM and big praise for my scones.

Feel satisfied tonight. Been using my brain today. Will miss this course when it's done - may have to do another one.

Meanwhile, back at the disco ... "I see you baby / shaking that (moggy) ass ..."

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