Double trouble
Quick snap of a very odd double rainbow - first thing this morning. I don't recall ever having seen a rainbow in the morning. Anyway, it came with this oddly bright yellow light - which you can see in the right of the shot. I've toned the colours down a bit because it just looked too made up.
A busy day. It should have started with me going, along with the other Brit forced onto the Governing Body of the school, to meet the school secretary/accountant to learn a bit about how the organisation of the school works. My colleague did not show up, but I went into school regardless and explained to the lady in the office (who had not been told I was coming) who I was. I obviously did that less than well as she proceeded to explain how she was supposed to have retired on 1 October and that she was delighted to finally meet her replacement... I did try to put her right on that, but she is, naturally, determined to get out of there and continued to treat me as her replacement...
So I learned all about how to bank the cheques, how to pay cheques and exactly which local communes don't pay the bills for the children who come to the school. All very interesting, but also rather frustrating.
Later a possible employment opportunity wandered up to the front door, so I have to get a decent CV together in French with undue haste. Very difficult. A neighbour is going to help me with that tomorrow.
And tonight a meeting of all the neighbours in my kitchen to decide how much money we are going to throw away chasing a debtor of our co-ownership group who has no money to pay us with. Sigh. I have, for now, persuaded them to keep costs down to several postage stamps...
Rather more excitingly, our guide books for Amsterdam arrived today, so TallGirl and I poured over them making lists of museums.... while CarbBoy sighed heavily and asked if we would be able to eat pancakes every day.
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