Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I hope

I hope you always
find a reason to


My day begun rather... well, these small annoyances that make you grumpy in the morning... and writing them down only felt like whining since there are a lot of bad horrible stuff going on in the world, and I should be really thankful!! But, I wasn't this morning...
At work the day got a bit better. And I was happy that one of my colleagues had forgotten that we should've had a meeting today about a photo workshop as I was a bit unprepared. Meeting is rebooked and I'll have an extra day to prepare.
On the bus home I saw this gorgeous light that shone through the grey clouds. It was like a long tear in the clouds. So I quickly went inside and grabbed my camera. Sadly the tear had almost closed when I got out again. This was what was left. I smiled though. :)

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