
By EmilyRose7

3 days off and now back to Arabic

Today I went to one of the many Starbucks here in Amman and studied with one of my friends, Susan, that is in my class. We both agreed last week before we started out week our week long vacation from Arabic class, that if we really don;t do anything for a week then we're going to forget everything we know.

So I took the last few days off from Arabic because for the past few weeks I have really been feeling overwhelmed by Arabic and feeling as if I could not shove a single vocab word in my head...it was too full. So got a nice few days off that was insanely needed and then we spent about 3 hours today just trying to have little conversations about stuff that we have studied thus far. So we talked about family, school. what we study, friends, hobbies, colleagues, and that was about it. We tried talking about some other stuff and realized very quickly that our level one vocabulary doesn't reach that far.

It was great to do this because I got to practice speaking a bit, which I feel we don;t do very much of in class so I desperately need more speaking time and we also had a few rude realizations that some of the things we thought we knew, we don't. So back to the grind on those things. We bumped into one of our other classmates, Eigen who is from turkey and we all agreed to get together again once or twice this week before school starts with at least the three of us, if not trying to recruit more form our class. I think many went on holiday and are gone, but at least the us three boring people are around and can try to get some Arabic done.

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