
By ElectricFish

Without Trust

I arrived home today with just 1071 photos...Not bad considering I deleted as I went.... I love these races as they come loaded with all the advice you would wish your child to be armed with. These are some of the lessons I was reinforced with today.
1. Be prepared. Dress safely for the job in hand. A motorcycle wheel on your head tends to give you a headache
2. Trust those around you once they've earned it. You cannot race with others a inch from your wheel unless you trust in them. If you tumble they will try to avoid you. If you look hurt they will block other riders from you by positioning themselves to take the hit themselves... It's just the way it is...Do onto others and all that...
3. Watch out for your competitors....also known as friends.... I was pleasantly surprised to see a competitor in second place stop when the leader crashed in front of him. After checking he was ok he sped off to win the race...and the admiration of the many of us who saw him...
4. When you fall off get up again....unless of course you're broken a bone or two as happened today.... Then a free trip to hospital was in order.... Those with bruised egos and skint arms all resumed racing... It's all part of the game.
5. When a child fall down ALL the parents go running to help...not just for their own... I got a lovely photo of a thumbs from one parent to another for getting there first... There's family and there's family and each are important... Best of all I got in contact today with a friend I had missed....so all in all a great day..... just saying...happily

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