Family of three.

By livingbythesea

How to survive the softplay centre

A really great day today. My two were over the moon to be spending the day with Pauls children maybe that's why they woke at 6am!!! We started the day with a lovely breakfast of fresh bread and jam and plenty of coffee, needed after a start that early. The children had great fun on the Wii before we headed over to Honiton and the soft play centre. They ran off the minute we got in there leaving Paul and I to chat over coffee. I had also taken my book to read, I guess being a child minder I have got used to noise and managed to zone it out. Paul however was unable to read his book without the aid of headphones and music. Can't really blame him it was very loud.

After a couple of hours there we headed to Otter nurseries for a quick something to eat and a look around. The children were very impressed by the real size pink Barbie convertible in the Christmas section and then had great fun trying the Christmas hats on. All very festive!

Dropped my children to their Dads on the way back as it is his night with them. We then headed back to Paul's for another night of movies and munchies.

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