It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Laggon Light Rays.....

After a night of not a lot of sleep (Still in the night worker ways) We got up about 8:30.
I feel a wee bit better today....thank goodness.
We went to Loch Treig today. I don't think I've ever seen so little water in Scotland. The loch was virtually empty!!
Another gorgeous sunny day with a few more clouds. Warm too.
Lots of mushrooms but only two of my favourite Fly Agaric ones.
Had a difficult choice today on which one to blip. Went for this as I have never managed to get one with recession and light rays combined before.
Ill try to catch up with your journals tonight but its a bit difficult on holiday as routines are much varied.

I should recover very quickly as mum is cooking some awesome meals with lots of veg and good things! :-)

The Recovering Dragon xx
Thank you so much for getting yesterdays blip to the spotlight. I'm very pleased as it was taken from a moving car.

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