I was far from bright this morning, though the early night spared me what could have been a painful time (Mr B and Mr K were not so lucky...) Early, there were pancakes (happily I was allowed to just sit at the table drinking much needed strong tea rather than doing the whisking and frying) and then once the kids were stuffed to the gills with sugar, lemon and syrup, a grown up breakfast of coffee and left over samosas.
Once our guests had headed off, we lunched lightly and went out for a walk. It was going to be a walk for grown ups, cycle for kids, but we couldn't get TallGirl's bike in the car easily, so to CarbBoy's disgust, the bikes were left at home. Beautiful day - even stripped down to a t-shirt I was too hot. No sloes found on our outing though, so we will have to make do with one bottle for this winter - though I do have other warming beverages steeping in the store cupboard.
After Mr B's afternoon nap was disturbed by our neighbour using the loudest strimmer in the world, we sat out for a while enjoying the sunshine, and watching the smallest mouse in the world boldly eat flowers right under our noses. Very cute. Of course, if it comes in my house I'll kill it...
Now, exhaustion is sending me upstairs for an early night. And tomorrow I must deal properly with a fly problem that saw me fumigating the bathroom earlier and, tonight, sweeping up 4,862 flies* from the floor so the kids could go in to brush their teeth. I suspect something has died somewhere and is infested with flies. Probably in the house next door rather than our house. Pretty yucky either way.
*Estimate courtesy of an eight year old.
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