The train now arriving........

The old "Plywood Pacific" is coming to my rescue today as I am otherwise somewhat blip-less. This morning I took MaggieD to Falkirk as she was after a new pair of trainers. Mission accomplished (two pairs actually!) and it was off to the high station to pick up Andrew who has been in Glasgow. Then it was time for lunch and we had an invite over to Fiona & Lyall's new house. After lunch, we took off to see if those pesky geese would show themselves. We did catch sight of a large flock in a field to the north of the Kincardine bridge but they took fright when we stopped and MaggieD got only a few photos before they were away and gone. Then we took Rona down the wood to walk off lunch and get some fresh air before tea time. So that is why, purely in the name of Blip, I took myself of to the garage with the camera. The big question is - will I stay awake long enough to see Downton?

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