All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Underground trains

Well we had a VERY lazy day today in this household with none of us getting up before mid morning. There was lots of tv / you tube watching and then a pottering round the house kind of afternoon.

I have been clearing out Ethan's playroom though and listing stuff on Ebay this weekend so not 100% lazy. Funny how he suddenly wants to play with stuff that he hasn't touched for months though one I tell him it's getting sold!

He then requested I set up a "Subway Train" for him just like in Woolly & Tig. Told me I had done it wrong at first, so we had to watch the episode to ensure it was set up exactly as Tig had it! He then decided his trike (which is about to be listed on Ebay!) was going to be his own subway train and kept riding it through the tunnel over and over!

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