Music For Chameleons

Splintered October: Images From A Broken Mind #13

Music For Chameleons - Gary Numan

At 4 o'clock we land
And I'll wave my flag for you
Interest in heart
We are not savage
Like children
We're people
"What Difference" I say

Music for chameleons
Music for chameleons

A dream of Siam
We could leave in the morning
Old friends and shy
We need to win
Like you need to breathe
I've an interest in games

Music for chameleons
Music for chameleons

Gowns for another show
Maybe no-one will come

Here take my arm
I like the pictures
And you like ghost stories
Tomorrow I'll sigh

Music for chameleons
Music for chameleons

I don't have the foggiest idea what this song is about so rather than try to decode the metaphors I've gone for the literal interpretation.

I can't resist adding this classic. Comedy gold.

Music For Chameleons - Alan Partridge

Oh, and finally, Music For Chameleons had this as a B side, one of Gary's best ever; a duet with Therese Bazaar and David Van Day aka Dollar.

Noise Noise - Gary Numan

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