All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Oh what a day! I commented to hubbie last night when we went to bed that I felt a bit queasy. Got woken up by Ethan just after midnight, telling me he had a headache. So I got up to see to him and realised I really didn't feel well.

As the night / day panned out, it was obvious I had some sort of gastroenteritis bug which pretty much floored me and got worse as the day went on. Not my best of days, spending much of it confined to the bathroom!

We were supposed to be having Eden for a sleepover tonight, but Granny and Grandpa took her home to Beith so we only have Ethan to cope with tomorrow, as hubbie still not feeling 100% either.

At least I've had lots of pussy cat cuddles today though - it's not often I lie / sit still long enough for them to curl up with me these days!

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