A second class return ticket to Ullapool please

.....two facts I now know:

1) The Ullapool bus attracts religious nut jobs
2) Inverness lacks a decent coffee shop serving coffee before 8am

My journey north on public transport continued with the Citylink coach to Ullapool. For the second time in two journeys on this route, I was sat next to a young person who loves Jesus, and was determined to convert me. This time I was far less polite. Last time my politeness resulted in me being told I was a liar, a thief an a adulterer and I was going to hell. Charming. I might have been in better fettle if I'd been able to find a decent coffee vendor, but The Station Newsagents finest Nescafe machine is a long way from what I had in mind.

Free of the ministry of John the Baptisit (he really was called John and really is a member of some nutty Baptist sub-cult), I killed time between buses and dodged my new friend from the bible belt by visiting a newbie to the Ullapool scene; West Coast Deli, Argyle Street, for a revitalising freshly ground coffee. No Flat Whites or Cortados here, but the Americano with hot milk was most acceptable. The journey to Lochinver was a joy with the big blue skies framing the mountains beautifully. On arrival in Lochinver I was offered a lift to Drumbeg by the John the Bobby*, and so my journey was complete.

* Bobby = Policeman

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