Flower Faffery

Yesterday evening was dire, the rain was pouring down and it was still raining early this morning...

Billy was in and out of the litter tray all night and it kept me awake, so I knew something was wrong as he never uses it now :( Come 5.30am and he was desperate to go outside even though it was still pouring down...

I decided he needed to see the vet pronto (as tomorrow is Sunday it would be even more expensive), so managed to get him in the basket and off we went. He probably has cystitis poor boy.

Thermometer where he didn't want it to go, jab of antibiotics in the neck and tablets to start on Monday....that could be interesting!

I've never had to give him tablets before, but Tigger used to eat around the tablet and it would still be there (any advice gratefully received).

I came away several pounds lighter in the pocket, just when I didn't need to be...oh well....

So one tired TB tonight although I had a lovely time with a friend I haven't seen for a long time this afternoon and a fantastic early evening Celebration and Certificate Evening for the Footsteps Course :)

Anyway, unfortunately I had only taken one photo all day, and this evening there were too many people in front of me. One of my friends tried when I went up for my certificate, but that one didn't come out very well either....

So here you have a faffed cyclamen for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Came home and on the sofa in pjs already. Caught the end of Strictly and I'll just watch Casualty then bed!

Hope to catch up with you all tomorrow :)

Happy Saturday folks :)

Holiday Day 2

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