a new year!

By Thesalh70

A picture...

...you can guess the rest! I've got my little men all ready and assembled to create my proverb/well known sayings blips for the next few weeks.

Easy one to start, and spent a drizzly, wet, Saturday afternoon putting it together. That whilst I'm looking after my special little man...Pete.

Bad night last night. We hardly slept. When he wasn't coughing and wheezing, he was chucking up phlegm or vomit! Bless him. I 'slept' downstairs with him, to make sure he was ok. Up at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and then slept til 9am.

He's improved throughout today. Stayed in all day with him and he's pretty much slept most of it. He enjoyed seeing Li and gma first thing!

Ironing up straight, but lots of washing done and waiting to dry. And then did my project.

Tea was a lovely lasagne, garlic bread, chianti....then fire lit, curtain drawn, candles on and Pete snoozing on my lap.

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