I've got a lovely bunch of

coconuts conkers. A grim, cold morning that started at 3:55am, luckily with intense cuddle input, blanket and cuddly toys a certain little miss went back to sleep until 6:00. She came into our bed at 6 and was happy to watch Charlie and Lola interspersed with more each time an episode finished. Daddy did breakfast whilst I snoozed, bizarre dreams, snow was the one that sticks. Lee thought I had gone mad when I asked him if it had snowed. Crawled out of bed once Munchie was safely back in bed for morning sleep, breakfast, tiny amount of school work completed, few chores then Munchie wide awake. Headed to Croome Park even though it was raining as the BBC weather app assured me it would clear up by midday. It was right. Charlotte and I demolished chicken pie which was lovely. We then went on what was meant to be a short walk, but turned into a long walk. Those of you that know Croome, we started by the church, walked down to the house, round the lake and back up the other side. Charlotte was amazing again with her walking, asking for carry every so often but wanting to walk. By the end she was tired and only daddy carries would do. Charlotte thought conkers were amazing. She collected them, threw them, rubbed them and even tried to eat them! One tired little girl came home, easily revived by cake! A lovely day x

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