It's Not A Dog!

I went for mushroom-blipping and on the way home this wild boar ruined my plans.

The first time I had the chance to blip one and after I realized it wasn't a dog on the loose I was hoping it would come my direction to get a better photo, but it turned around and disappeared in a small patch of one of the last remaining maize-fields. I waited around, but it didn't show up again.

I've always thought I would be scared if I ever came across one, but I wasn't. It was still a few hundred meters away. It would have been different in the woods, I think, where I had just spent two hours in the company of shrooms.

That close to the town - I couldn't believe it!
It was all by himself, which surprised me.
And there were cows and their reaction was interesting to watch: they were moving very quickly away from it after they spotted it and gathered in a corner of their field. Looked like they were scared of it.

18:55 CEST 6,4°C

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